Little Notes

Music classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers!

9:30 am – 0 to 2 years

10:30 am – 2 to 4 years

$20 Discount for siblings.

Call 828-252-1888 for dates and to enroll your youngster today!

“In my class I have bells to jingle, castanets to hold and snap, bongos to pat, recorders and violins to play. I feel the textures of smooth wood blocks, cold metal triangles, scratchy sand blocks, bouncy balls, and bright maracas. This is my favorite place: a place full of wonders for all my senses!! With my instrument I can make the sound of a ticking clock, a tapping woodpecker, a snapping clam, a rolling bear, a chugging choo-choo, rain and thunder. I am falling in love with music!”

 “I can march to the beat! I can play forte and piano! I can sing high and low! I can play slowly or REALLY fast! I can dance and twirl to the music which fills my soul with joy. My brain is building more intelligent pathways by the minute because of all this music I am experiencing!”

“I can strum the uke and play a chord! I can play the xylophone! I can blow the trombone and the recorder! I can imitate rhythms and sing on pitch!  I get to conduct the band and play the bongos! My brain is gobbling up all this information, and my heart is welling up with my love for music!”

Froggy in the Sunshine:

The Clam Song: